- [MOR] Added SIP Session Timers setting for Devices and Providers
- [MOR] New Device setting Delete Voicemail after sending it allows to delete Voicemail from server after it is sent to Email
- [MOR] New Alerts parameter Registration allows to monitor SIP Device and Provider registrations. Allows to receive email or take action when Device/Provider registration goes down
- [MOR] Added comment field in Recordings list for simple Users. Now Users and Admin have separate comment fields for Recordings
- [MOR] When listening to a recording its row will turn green as an indicator that the recording was listened
- [MOR] New feature CDR Export Template allows to create templates with specific columns for CSV files. These templates can be used to export CDRs from Last Calls
- [MOR] New User setting Show Stats from User perspective allows to hide intermediate Call attempts (when LCR contains multiple Providers) for simple User. Only single CDR per Call will be shown to User
- [MOR] Now Partners can create Services for own Resellers
- [MOR] SMS Tariffs have been reworked. Now Wholesale VoIP Tariffs are used to send SMS. This allows to export/import Tariffs from CSV
- [MOR] Optimized Active Calls page for better system peformance
- [MOR] New feature Provider Contant Info allows to store additional information (such as Company name, Address, etc.) for each Provider
- [MOR] New setting Change CallerID name for Device/Provider Localization Rules allows to Localize name part of CallerID
- [MOR] API method device_update allows to change Username and Password for dynamic SIP Device
- [MOR] API method device_update allows to change IP and Port for IP authenticated Device
- [MOR/M2] Last Calls page loading speed is significantly increased
- [MOR/M2] It is now possible to set multiple Email for User. Messages will be sent to all User’s Emails
- [M2] Number Pools allow to import prefixes (by adding trailing % character, for example 370%). This is useful when Number Pools are used in Blacklisting/Whitelisting. It is possible to block calls by Destination/Source prefix instead of specific number
- [M2] New setting Show Hangup Cause allows User to see numeric hangup cause value (for example FAILED (41) instead of FAILED)
- [M2] New Invoice features allow to create manual Invoices for specific time periods, recalculate/resend Invoices in bulk
- [M2] Optimized Active Calls page for better system peformance
- [M2] Destination Groups Stats are now accessible to simple Users
- [M2] New feature CDR Export Template allows to create templates with specific columns for CSV files. These templates can be used to export CDRs from Last Calls